Survey on Survey Tool Usage
Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey! We are gathering insights on how professionals like you use online survey tools. Your feedback will help us understand current trends and improve survey solutions.
General Information
In what industry do you work?*

How often do you use survey tools?*

Survey Tool Preferences
Which survey tool(s) have you used in the past year?*
Please select at least 1 choice.

What are the top features you look for in a survey tool?*
Please select at most 3 choices.

How satisfied are you with your current survey tool(s)?*

Usage and Challenges
What types of surveys do you most frequently create?*
Please select at least 1 choice.

What challenges do you face when using survey tools?*
Please select at least 1 choice.

On a scale of 1-10, how important is cost when choosing a survey tool?*

Future Needs and Recommendations

*Answer required
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