Brand name testing survey
Dear Respondent,
We have decided to change our brand name to "BrandNewBrand"! As part of our marketing research, we would like to ask you, our customer, if you like our new name!
Please take a moment and fill in this short brand name testing survey. The responses will help us to choose the most appropriate and corresponding name.
1) Please rate your agreement with the following statements about our new brand name*

Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree or disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I like the new brand name
The brand name describe the product/company well
The brand name is appropriate for the product or service we provide
The brand name is modern
The brand name is appealing
The brand name is trustworthy
The brand name is offensive
I would be intriqued by a product or a service with this name
The brand name is easy to pronounce
2) Does the brand name remind you of any existing brand names? if yes, please specify which one/ones.*

*Answer required